Training Post Accreditation
RACMA accredits training posts within health services and other health organisations by assessing the following:
- Supervisory arrangements for Candidates
- Executive / medical management structure
- Organisational training infrastructure
- Support services for Candidates
Accreditation of training posts ensures that medical administration workplace experiential opportunities are available in the health setting. These are aligned with the RACMA Medical Leadership and Management Curriculum competencies required for the Fellowship Training Program.
Accreditation requires joint governance and collaboration with health settings and organisations to ensure compliance with training standards with both parties concentrating on quality educational outcomes for RACMA Candidates.
Existing Candidates
Candidates who change their training post/employer during Candidacy must notify the College immediately. It is a mandatory requirement of the Fellowship Training Program that Candidates remain in an accredited training post for the duration of their training. If a Candidate moves into a position that is not accredited they may risk their training time not being counted towards time in supervised practice. Please email changes in writing directly to accreditation@racma.edu.au