
Quarterly 3 2021 Now Online
The latest edition of The Quarterly – Q3 2021 is now online, featuring: RACMA’s role as a partner…

World Mental Health Day 2021
As many of us continue to face extraordinary times across our domains with the ongoing challenges…

We seek your help to reach rural dads: Partnership with SMS4dads
Dear Members, The Alliance is delighted to partner with the highly successful SMS4dads campaign, who are…

Medical Leaders call for urgent and meaningful action on climate change
RACMA has signed an open letter to the Australian Prime Minister along with the Australian Medical…

R U OK? Day 2021
As many of our colleagues continually face the rigours of the COVID-19 Pandemic, there has never…

Celebrating Women’s Health Week 2021
RACMA is proud to support the Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week across Australia this week. This…

Quarterly 2 2021 Now Online
The latest edition of The Quarterly – Q2 2021 is now online. Focusing on Changing Workplace Culture in the Health System, Q2…

RACMA Board Nominations Open Today
Become involved in a RACMA Leadership Role Members who want to be more involved with the…

NAIDOC Week 2021, 4-11 July
RACMA is proud to celebrate NAIDOC week, 4-11 July, which this year focuses on the theme of…