Medical Leader Wellbeing
As Medical Leaders we carry significant responsibility as the custodians of clinical quality, safety and system integrity. But do not forget Medical Leaders are not immune to illness and the everyday pressures and stress of work, family and life. RACMA believes it is paramount to keep check of your wellbeing with the ongoing rise in workload and burnout rate for medical practitioners.
The physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of the whole medical workforce is crucial to deliver safe and effective healthcare for the whole community. As Medical Leaders it is up to us to nurture our workforce together.
It is critical we overtly value and model kind leadership across our workplaces and communities and that we continue to nurture and encourage each other. Look out for the micro expressions of strain within our ranks, meet with a smile – it will be noticed.
Make it a priority to check in every few days with colleagues and friends wherever you can. Be aware how the pressure of the situation may affect how others respond to each other or how we respond ourselves. We are all human and that social connection and interaction is what helps us cope with stress and sustains a sense of value and self-worth.
The pages in this section provide information and resources on strategies for self-care to support the health and wellbeing of all Medical Leaders and their teams.