About Us
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The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (RACMA) is a specialist medical college that provides education, training, knowledge and advice in medical leadership and management.
Recognised by the Australian and New Zealand Medical Councils, it delivers programs to medical managers and other medical practitioners who are training for or occupying Specialist Leadership or Administration positions. It is the only recognised way you can become a Fellow in the Speciality of Medical Administration.
A not for profit organisation, RACMA is committed to achieving excellence in the Speciality of Medical Administration in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific Region, in order to enhance and maintain high standards of health care across the region.
What sets RACMA apart from the many management qualifications offered by higher education bodies is the generous exposure to experienced Fellows who can support, mentor and provide practical, inside knowledge and advice to training Candidates as they work and undertake our training program.
A RACMA Fellowship leads to a range of senior positions including:
> Chief Medical Officers;
> Director of Medical Services;
> Chief executives of hospitals and universities;
> Heads of divisions of medical services;
> Heads of health authorities;
> Chief health officers of government jurisdictions;
> Consultants to governments and private sector health services; and
> Public policy and health program management in information technology and pharmaceuticals.
The College is a member of the Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges (CPMC) which is the body that represents the interests of all medical specialist colleges to Government. This see’s RACMA involved in education, policy formulation and decision-making and thus representing the professional interests of its members.
When you become a Fellow of the College you join a unique network of other professional Medical Specialists striving for superior medical administration and leadership across Australasia.
RACMA is governed by a Board of Directors, comprising 11 members. The Board has an Executive which includes the President, Vice President Chair of the Education and Training Committee and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee.
The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (RACMA) is a specialist medical college that provides education, training, knowledge and advice in medical leadership and management.
Recognised by the Australian and New Zealand Medical Councils, it delivers programs to medical managers and other medical practitioners who are training for or occupying Specialist Leadership or Administration positions. It is the only recognised way you can become a Fellow in the Speciality of Medical Administration.
A not for profit organisation, RACMA is committed to achieving excellence in the Speciality of Medical Administration in Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific Region, in order to enhance and maintain high standards of health care across the region.
What sets RACMA apart from the many management qualifications offered by higher education bodies is the generous exposure to experienced Fellows who can support, mentor and provide practical, inside knowledge and advice to training Candidates as they work and undertake our training program.
A RACMA Fellowship leads to a range of senior positions including:
> Chief Medical Officers;
> Director of Medical Services;
> Chief executives of hospitals and universities;
> Heads of divisions of medical services;
> Heads of health authorities;
> Chief health officers of government jurisdictions;
> Consultants to governments and private sector health services; and
> Public policy and health program management in information technology and pharmaceuticals.
The College is a member of the Committee of Presidents of Medical Colleges (CPMC) which is the body that represents the interests of all medical specialist colleges to Government. This see’s RACMA involved in education, policy formulation and decision-making and thus representing the professional interests of its members.
When you become a Fellow of the College you join a unique network of other professional Medical Specialists striving for superior medical administration and leadership across Australasia.
RACMA is governed by a Board of Directors, comprising 11 members. The Board has an Executive which includes the President, Vice President Chair of the Education and Training Committee and Chair of the Finance and Audit Committee.
Our Vision
RACMA will be valued by our members, and recognised internationally, as the Australasian medical college that provides specialist education, leadership, advice and expertise in Medical Management that promotes safe and effective healthcare.
The following video provides a broad overview of RACMA and medical administration and management and their value across the health system.