Information for Training Supervisors & Preceptors
The training of medical administrators is undertaken in health services workplaces that are ‘recognised’ by the College as training posts in the Fellowship Training Program. Training will normally take place under the supervision of the Candidate’s line manager/Supervisor.
The RACMA Supervisor of Training is the on-site supervisor/line manager of the Candidate, undertaking Fellowship Training Program in the supervised medical management practice. This period of workplace training is undertaken as a requirement in the RACMA Fellowship Training Program, which is the period of formative learning and is critically important for the development of the medical leadership and management competencies required of the successful specialist Medical Administrator.
The Candidate’s line manager (on-site Supervisor) is responsible for selecting experiences and opportunities to develop competency, and evaluating Candidate’s progress through observation and formative assessment of training activities
undertaken in the training post.
For more information click HERE for the full position description of a RACMA Supervisor.
The College Preceptor (known as Preceptor) will provide support and guidance to specifically allocated to Candidates in the Standard and Clinical Specialist Pathways throughout that Candidate’s RACMA Fellowship training. The primary objective of a RACMA Preceptor is:
- To provide support and guidance to specifically allocated Standard Pathway Candidates throughout that candidate’s training in the RACMA Fellowship Training Program.
- To report on the overall progress of those specifically allocated Standard Pathway Candidates through the formal processes as set by the Education and Training Committee.
For more information click HERE for the full position description of a RACMA Preceptor.