Program Structure and Timetables
Leadership for Clinicians program will be delivered both as a blended delivery and fully online program. The blended delivery model will commence and finish with face to face delivery days. In between the scheduled face-to-face sessions there will be four interactive online sessions.
The fully online program will have all eight topics scheduled as interactive online delivery sessions.
The aims of the program are to empower clinician leaders with the knowledge, skills, confidence and self-awareness to play a central role in decision making within the healthcare and community services they are part of. The program will explore six key study themes:
1. Understanding our healthcare system
2. Clinical governance and medicolegal awareness
3. Medical workforce management and engagement
4. Leading strategy and change
5. Financial governance
6. Professionalism, leadership and culture
The six key study themes will be addressed through eight topics delivered both face to face and online in 2022. Each topic will incorporate pre-session work made available on the Learning Management System and an interactive session (either face to face or online). Assessment tasks related to the eight topics will be scheduled throughout the program.
Successful completion of the Leadership for Clinicians program is a RACMA Board approved pathway to apply to elect to Associate Fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators. Associate Fellows of RACMA can use the post nominals ‘AFRACMA’ in accordance with the policy Membership signature blocks and post nominals.
Structure and Timetables
The 2023 program will comprise:
- eight topics;
- an introduction webinar made available via the Learning Management System;
- eight interactive sessions scheduled as either face to face or interactive Zoom sessions. Each session will vary in length from four hours to a full day.
- pre-session reading, activities and pre-recorded webinars of four to six hours for each topic. These requirements must be completed prior to the face to face or interactive sessions.
In 2023 two delivery models will be offered:
- Blended Delivery – Including four face to face days and four online interactive sessions
- Online Delivery – eight online interactive sessions
The timetables for the two models are:
Delivery Period 1
Blended Delivery
Online Delivery
Delivery Period 2
Blended Delivery
Online Delivery