Faculty Education Program
The College offers education and support activities for the RACMA Faculty (Censors, Jurisdictional Coordinators of Training, Preceptors and Training Supervisors) on emerging issues around supervision, assessment and the Fellowship Training Program.
The RACMA Faculty plays a pivotal role in supporting Candidates during their training, guiding their learning, helping to plan and facilitate learning opportunities, providing feedback on their progress in the workplace and in the Fellowship Training Program. The Faculty also play an important role in upholding high standards in the development and delivery of examinations and other assessment activities.
The Faculty Education Program is designed to support Faculty members in their roles by helping them to develop and enhance their understanding of:
- The role of Censors, Jurisdictional Coordinators of Training, Preceptors and Training Supervisors in the delivery of the Fellowship Training Program
- The Medical Leadership and Management Curriculum
- Requirements of the Fellowship Training Program
- Relevant College Regulations and Policies
- The development and delivery of high-quality examinations and assessment activities
- The assessment and evaluation of competency within the Fellowship Training Program
- The provision of effective feedback
- Effective interpersonal communication
The Faculty Education Program includes:
- The Faculty Webinar Series
- The Research Training Domain Webinar Series. (Monthly webinars for Candidates, Training Supervisors, Preceptors and Jurisdictional Coordinators of Training addressing the area of health service research.
- Board of Censors’ workshops
- Faculty face-to-face workshops which generally take place at the RACMA Annual Conference
- Faculty resources and support materials
For more information about the Faculty Training Program please email ftpadmin@racma.rick.brightlabs.com.au
RACMA Resources
Medical Leadership and Management Curriculum
Medical Leadership and Management Curriculum: Study themes and topics
Other Resources
Cognitive Load
- Fraser KL et al (2015). Cognitive Load Theory for the Design of Medical Simulations. Simulation in Healthcare. 10(5):295-307.
- van Merriënboer JJ and Sweller J (2010). Cognitive load theory in health professional education: design principles and strategies. Medical Education. 44(1):85-93.
- Health Education and Training Institute (2014). Mentoring: A guide and toolkit for mentoring rural medical trainees.
- Health Education and Training Institute (2017). Trainee in difficulty. A management guide for Directors of Prevocational Education and Training. 3rd edition
- Jeffrey D (2014). Medical Mentoring: Supporting Students, Doctors in Training and General Practitioners. Royal College of General Practitioners (UK)