Participation in the RACMA Continuing Professional Development Program (CPD) is a mandatory requirement for Fellows and Associate Fellows of RACMA to remain in ‘good standing’ with the College. This is also in accordance with the RACMA Constitution.
CPD compliance is a Medical Board of Australia (MBA) and Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) Standard for the maintenance of specialist registration in Medical Administration.
Fellows are required to achieve a minimum of 50 hours per year and Associate Fellows a minimum of 25 hours per year.
CPD is required to be completed annually between 1 January and 31 December. Members have until 31 March of the following year to complete all entries in their CPD record for the previous calendar year. Regular review of members’ compliance is undertaken by the national office and jurisdictional CPD Coordinators.
Members are responsible for entering their own CPD activities in MyRACMA which is the RACMA online CPD platform. For further information on MyRACMA and to log in please click HERE.
For detailed information on how to manage your CPD requirements, please refer to the RACMA CPD Handbook.
For all CPD enquiries, please contact cpd@racma.edu.au or call the office directly on +61 3 9824 4699.