CPD Home – Non Members
Maintaining and developing your skills as medical professionals is a valuable and fulfilling part of your career and it is a pleasure to welcome you to our CPD program, which is unique in its focus on providing exceptional education resources that are specifically designed for doctors in leadership and management positions and other indirect clinical roles, such as government, policy or education, who do not have a dedicated CPD Home. RACMA has a long and successful tradition of providing its Members with the means and environment that enable them to continue to develop as doctors. By completing the College’s accredited CPD program, you will meet the MBA’s requirements for annual re-registration. Additionally, if you join RACMA’s CPD Home you will receive complimentary Affiliate Membership for the financial year in which you join.
Key Information
We have developed a set of FAQ’s and a handbook specific for the requirements and needs to non Members which describes the College’s CPD program and provides examples of the types of activities that will help you in your professional development.
If you would like our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the college CPD office at cpd@racma.edu.au.
How to join RACMA as Your CPD Home
As mandated by the Medical Board of Australia (MBA), all doctors without specialist medical registration must nominate a CPD Home to support CPD requirements of the MBA. There has been an extension granted for doctors that fall under this umbrella, the date has moved from January 2023 to January 2024.
RACMA, as Australia’s pre-eminent provider of medical leadership and management education and training wishes to be proactive in enabling any doctors who wish to commence in a new CPD Home in 2023, the opportunity to join us during the transition period.
We are committed to providing an outstanding CPD experience for Australian doctors in non-clinical and indirect patient care roles. There are many registered practitioners across health services, private and public, government and education that will find their scope of practice lends itself directly with the RACMA CPD framework in terms of leadership and management.
Expression of Interest Form
If you are interested in learning more about RACMA as a CPD Home, please complete the following EOI Form and we will contact you to discuss how we can best meet your CPD needs within your scope of practice.
Your CPD Contacts
The College has a CPD Coordinator located in each Australian state who is available to contact for support. To find out who they are click HERE.