Training Post Accreditation – How to Apply
New Training Post
To apply for accreditation of a training post for a new position, please complete the Application for Accreditation form which can be found HERE. The Applying Officer must have the delegation to make application on behalf of the organisation/health setting and cannot be the Candidate.
Existing RACMA Accredited Training Post
If there is a new Candidate moving into a post that is already accredited by RACMA, the delegated representative from the organisation/health setting must complete the Application for Review of Accredited Training Post which can be found HERE.
Completed forms must be submitted to RACMA via email ensuring all requested supporting evidence is included. Email to accreditation@racma.rick.brightlabs.com.au
There are no fees payable for the application to accredit a training post with RACMA.
If you would like further information on the regulation ‘Accreditation of Training Posts’ please click HERE.