Training Post Accreditation – FAQs
- Who should complete the application form?
The applying officer should be the supervisor or the line manager of the training post.
- Who do I submit the application form to?
Applications must be submitted to the RACMA Accreditation team via email at accreditation@racma.edu.au
- Is there a submission deadline for the RACMA Accreditation of Training Post Application Forms?
There is no submission deadline for applications for the accreditation of training posts. A training organisation may submit an application for the accreditation of a training post at any time.
Prospective Candidates must be in an accredited or provisionally accredited post to be eligible for entry into the Fellowship Training Program.
- Does a substantive training post require accreditation?
Candidates who join the Fellowship Training Program who are already in substantive management positions are required to have their training post accredited. The organisation will need to submit an application for RACMA Accreditation of Training Post.
- Does each registrar training post rotation require a new accreditation application?
Each new training post requires accreditation. If a Candidate rotates to a training post that has current accreditation according to RACMA records, re-accreditation or a new application is not required.
- Can a training post be accredited without a candidate in that post?
An organisation may submit application to accredit a training post without a Candidate in the post. This post will be given provisional accreditation if suitable. Once a Candidate fills the post an accreditation site visit will be scheduled.
- When will a site visit be scheduled?
A site visit will be scheduled once the required documentation has been received and the post has been granted Provisional Accreditation. The site visit may be conducted in person on site or via video conference.
- Who conducts the site visit?
An Accreditation Panel is established for each visit which comprises of a Jurisdictional Coordinator of Training external to the jurisdiction who will chair the meeting together with the Jurisdictional Training Coordinator for the jurisdiction within which the post is situated. A RACMA staff member will also be in attendance to support the panel throughout the scheduling and interview.
- Who does the Accreditation Panel meet with at the site visit?
The Accreditation Panel meets with the following people at the site visit:
- Chief Executive Officer or Senior Management representative
- Medical Workforce / Human Resources Manager or representative
- Training Post Supervisor/s
- RACMA Candidate
- Other health setting staff who may be involved in the Candidate’s training
- Is there a cost charged to the training organisation for the accreditation of a RACMA training post?
There is no cost to the training organisation for the accreditation of a RACMA training post.
- What happens if a training organisation or post does not meet requirements?
Where gaps or issues are identified with the training post at any time during the accreditation process, the Accreditation Review Committee will work with the organisation to remedy the situation.
Strategies may include formal workplace secondments, a structured training plan with the onsite training supervisor and a discussion with the FRACMA line manager or preceptor.
If a solution cannot be found, the organisation will be advised in writing stating the reasons. Should the situation change, the organisation may reapply for the post to be accredited.
- What is provisional accreditation?
Provisional Accreditation is assigned to the training post when the completed application for Accreditation of Training Post and accompanying documentation have been processed by the College.
The status is assigned prior to a pending the site visit to confirm full accreditation.
- How long is a training post accredited for?
Training posts are normally accredited for a period of four years. Substantive (non-Registrar) training posts may be accredited for the term of the Candidacy only.
- What is re-accreditation and who does it apply to?
Re-accreditation is the accreditation of a training post where the accreditation period has expired or is due to expire. Updated documentation will be required for re-accreditation. A site visit for reaccreditation will be scheduled via web conference.
- Who can I contact at RACMA for more information?
Contact the Accreditation team via email at accreditation@racma.edu.au or via phone on +61 3 9824 4699