STP Frequently asked questions
If your question remains unanswered after referring to the below FAQs, and you would like to speak with a RACMA staff member, email stp.@racma.rick.brightlabs.com.au or phone 03 9088 7962.
- How does a health setting apply for STP funding?
Health settings can apply for STP funding via an Expression of Interest (EOI) round. EOI’s are held approximately every 1-2 years and are managed by the Department of Health via an online process. Please email stp@racma.edu.au to register your interest for the next EOI round.
- When is the next Expression of Interest (EOI) round?
Please send an email to stp@racma.edu.au to be advised of the next EOI round. At this stage, we do not know when the next EOI will be held.
- What are the priority settings of the STP?
- Private sector settings: settings which do not derive their operational funding directly from a state or territory government.
- Regional, rural and remote areas: settings located in an Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS) Remoteness Area (RA) 2-5.
- Are health settings guaranteed funding if their EOI application is successful?
No, EOI applications go through an assessment process and, if deemed suitable by both the College and Jurisdictional Workforce Branches, will be added to RACMA’s STP Reserve List. This does not guarantee funding, only that the setting will be added to the ‘pool’ to be considered in future should a vacancy occur.
- When will a post on the reserve list be contacted to take up a funding opportunity?
Reserve list posts are used to fill vacancies. When a STP-funded post becomes vacant, we will review the Reserve List to seek a post to take up the funding within the same Jurisdiction. It is not possible to predict when a STP-funded post will become vacant.
- What is the definition of a ‘new post’?
A position will not be considered new if it has been funded by another organisation for more than 12 months within the last three years. Additionally, a position that was funded by another organisation within the last 12 months will need to conclusively demonstrate that its funding is not ongoing. This allows for short term funding from organisations such as charitable trusts. In this context, positions funded by the applicant organisation or a state and territory government will not be considered new and will be ineligible for STP support.
- Are Candidates eligible to apply for STP funding?
No, candidates are not eligible to apply for STP funding. Candidates should liaise with their health setting if they would like to occupy an STP-funded position.
- How long does a health setting receive STP funding for?
The funding cycle depends on the length of the current Agreement between RACMA and the Department of Health.
- Can I apply for STP funding for the post I currently occupy?
No, posts must be considered new to be eligible to apply for STP funding. A post will not be considered new if it has been funded by another organisation for more than 12 months within the last three years.
- Are public health settings located in metropolitan areas eligible for STP funding?
Public health settings can participate under the program providing the setting has an agreement in place for the position to rotate out to an expanded setting (e.g. private/rural rotation) for a minimum of 0.5 FTE.
- What are the eligibility requirements for candidates to occupy IRTP-funded posts?
- Candidates must spend at least 66% of their total training time in rural areas
- Candidates must have a genuine interest to work in rural areas
- Are Candidates eligible to apply for IRTP funding?
No, candidates are not eligible to apply for IRTP funding. Candidates should liaise with their health setting if they wish to participate in the STP.
- What can Candidates claim under the Rural Support Loading allowance?
Examples of eligible claims include:
- Accommodation costs
- Attendance at training courses, meetings, and conferences (within Australia)
- Relocations costs associated with training requirements
- Resources (e.g. books, computers)
- Videoconferences facilities
- How do I know if my health setting qualifies for IRTP funding?
IRTP settings must be located between ASGS RA 2-5. Please refer to the Department of Health’s workforce allocator here to determine the RA code of your health setting.
- Are IRTP candidates able to rotate out to metropolitan areas?
Yes, rotations to metropolitan areas can be arranged to ensure that the trainee meets the FTP requirements and to allow full exposure to medical administration training. However, trainees must ensure that they still meet the requirement of training 66% in rural areas.
- What are the differences IRTP-funded posts?
STP-funded posts are not identical to IRTP-funded posts, although they are administered in a similar way.
- To be eligible for an IRTP funded post, ideally a trainee should show a commitment to working in a rural area, though not necessarily the area in which their training takes place. This could be evidenced by the prospective trainee having a rural background, attending a rural clinical school or regional university; completing Rural Junior Doctor training or demonstrating an interest or commitment to rural work in their application for the post.
- An IRTP trainee must spend at least 66% of their Fellowship training time in an RA2-5 setting.
- Is Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) eligible to be claimed under the Rural Support Loading (RSL) allowance?
No, FBT is not an eligible expense and cannot be claimed through the RSL allowance. Candidates and employers are encouraged to seek ATO advice for their own circumstances.