Eligibility for funding consideration
The STP prioritises health settings in rural locations (Modified Monash Model 2-7 area), or in the private sector.
The following organisations are eligible to apply for funding:
- Rural and Regional hospitals (MM 2-7)
- Private health care organisations*
- Aged Care services
- Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and Aboriginal Medical Services
- Community health organisations.
Training posts located in public metropolitan health settings are not eligible for funding consideration.
*The definition of a private setting relates to the facility and its ownership. A private setting is not a publicly owned facility treating private patients.
Only new training posts with a minimum of 0.5 FTE will be considered for funding. A position will not be considered new if:
- it has been funded by another organisation for more than 12 months within the last three years. A position that was funded by another organisation within the last 12 months will need to conclusively demonstrate that its funding is not ongoing.
it is funded by the applicant organisation or a State and Territory government.