Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Must I meet all eligibility criteria before applying for candidacy in the Fellowship Training Program?
Yes. You will be asked prior to commencing the application form to confirm you meet all of the listed eligibility criteria which can be found HERE.
- Can I still apply for the Fellowship Training Program if I have not completed (at time of application) the minimum THREE years fulltime clinical experience involving direct patient care?
Only if you can complete the THREE years prior to the following academic year. You will be required to provide a letter of support from your employer to confirm this.
- What is the selection process for entry as a Candidate into the Fellowship Training Program?
Once your application has been received and confirmation that you have met the minimum eligibility requirements, your application will be sent to the relevant Jurisdictional Coordinator of Training to review your application and training post. Once confirmed, your application for the Fellowship Training Program will be sent to our Education and Training Committee for approval and Candidacy will then be approved by the RACMA Board.
You will be sent an offer letter in December which you will have FIVE business days to accept.
- Is the application fee refundable if I am not successful?
The application fee for Candidacy in the Fellowship Training Program is non-refundable.
- Can I apply for entry into the Fellowship Training Program if I do not have a training post?
No. Applicants must be in a RACMA accredited training post or due to commence in an accredited training post prior to the commencement of training or an application has been made to accredit the training post by the applicants employer.
- Who can complete the application for Accreditation or Review of Training Post?
The applying officer must be the appropriately delegated authority to do this on behalf of the health setting/organisation. The applicant for the Fellowship Training Program must not complete the application form.
- Who can I ask to be a referee?
You must provide contact details of three referees. One must be your current or most recent line manager. The remaining two referees may be supervisors, Clinical Director or Head of Unit/Department (or equivalent) or any senior colleagues engaged in medical management that you have worked with in the last two years.
- How do I apply for the Fellowship Training Program if I am an overseas trained doctor without general registration?
If you are an overseas trained doctor without general/vocational registration in Australia or New Zealand, you will be required to apply to the Medical Board of Australia or the Medical Council of New Zealand to obtain general registration.
- If I am an overseas doctor with prior medical management and leadership experience, can I apply for the Fellowship Training Program?
As an overseas trained doctor, you may be eligible to apply for Specialist International Medical Graduate (SIMG) assessment. The SIMG assessment process will comprise an assessment of your training, qualifications and experience to determine your comparability to the Australian or New Zealand trained Medical Administrator. Further information can be found HERE.