Regulatory Requirements
Fellows and Associate Fellows of RACMA are required to maintain CPD compliance on an annual basis. The compliance requirements are set out in the RACMA CPD Handbook. Fellows and Associate Fellows are also encouraged to familiarise themselves with the CPD requirements in relation to ongoing membership, which are outlined in the RACMA Constitution.
In addition to the College’s requirements, Fellows who are registered with the Medical Board of Australia (MBA) or the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) under the speciality of Medical Administration, are also required to meet specific regulatory requirements.
For an outline of the current regulatory requirements for continuing professional development, please go to:
Medical Board of Australia Registration Standards for Specialist Registration
Medical Council of New Zealand Recertification and Professional Development
The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) is the agency that supports the National Boards to implement the National Scheme. AHPRA and the National Boards have developed a nationally consistent approach to auditing health practitioners’ compliance with mandatory registration standards. More information on the audit process that AHPRA undertake on behalf of the (MBA) can be found here.