RACMA Constitution
The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators is a company limited by Guarantee and any changes to be made to the Constitution are made at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the College. In 2010 the College adopted a new constitution.
Fellows of RACMA have since voted in favour to amend the College Constitution at the following College AGMs:
- 2015
- 2019
In 2021, the College has been consulting with members on a review of the RACMA Constitution to ensure that it is contemporaneous, complies with relevant legislative requirements and is sufficiently flexible to allow the College to be agile in the future to changes in the environment and reflects sound governance. A working group was formed after an expression of interest and is chaired by members of the RACMA Board. For more information on the Constitution Review click the below link.
Constitution Review
The College has been consulting with Members on a review of the RACMA Constitution to ensure it is contemporaneous, complies with relevant legislative requirements, is sufficiently flexible to allow the College to be agile in the future to changes in the environment, and reflects sound governance.
RACMA Constitution (2019)
The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators Limited Constitution. As amended up to and including October 2019.