College Fellows nominate and elect the President, Vice-President, Chairperson of the Education and Training Committee and Chairperson of the Finance and Audit Committee. Fellow Board Members are nominated and elected by Fellow Members, the Associate Fellow Board Member is nominated and elected by Associate Fellow Members, the Candidate Board Member is nominated and elected by Candidate Members and the Board Member with special expertise is appointed by the elected directors.
The Board will appoint the Censor-in-Chief and the Chairperson of the Continuing Education Program Committee through an Expression of Interest process with Fellows of the College.
> Members from all jurisdictions are eligible for election to the Board positions listed above.
> In accordance with the RACMA Constitution, a maximum of two Fellows residing in the same jurisdiction may serve as elected Directors on the RACMA Board.
> The RACMA Board resolved recently, in accordance with legal advice, it should not accept a nomination from a current Board Member for election to a different position on the Board. To nominate for a different position on the Board, a current Board Member must first resign their current Board position, effective at the next AGM.
> As two Board Members have recently resigned from their positions on the Board, effective from this year’s AGM, this has created the situation where Members from all jurisdictions are eligible for election to the Board.
> The current membership of the Board can be found at https://racma.staging.brightlabs.com.au//about-us/our-team/racma-board/.
> A Member is ineligible to be elected or appointed as a Director if they are in arrears in payment of their annual subscription.
> The RACMA Constitution can be accessed HERE to read all eligibility criteria.